Dragon BoxDragon Box - A great app for teaching algebra at the elementary or high school level.

FinishFinish. - An app to keep track of a to-do list. Use the free version or buy the $.99 version and you can have an unlimited number of items on the to-do list and can select the “bother me” feature that will keep bugging the user until the task is completed.

KakoomaKakooma - A fun math game that allows students to practice their mental math with any of the four basic operations.

Natural ReaderNatural Reader - A text-to-speech reader that can read from PDFs, webpages or Dropbox documents.

Voice DreamVoice Dream - An app similar to Natural Reader. These two apps are the best we’ve found for text-to-speech reading.

NearpodNearpod - This app allows the teacher to create a slideshow that students can each watch on their own iPads or iPhones. The teacher controls the speed at which the students see the slides. Also allows for student participation on quizzes or questions.

iStudieziStudiez - An app that replaces the planbook! The students can import information from school calendars and platforms as long as those programs have an RSS feed. This app allows students to keep track of assignments, tasks and appointments on their devices instead of in a written planbook.

DoceriDoceri - Allows teachers to record audio along with images on a white board like screen. Teachers can share their short videos with the class through email or text.

iCelliCell - A great app for biology teachers. The students can touch and move around an animal or plant cell or bacterium. Students can find the organelles and the app provides a basic, intermediate and advanced definition of each organelle for differentiation of instruction.

MoleculesMolecules - Creates models of different compounds and the molecules that make them. A great app for chemistry students.

SocrativeSocrative - An interactive app for students and teachers. Teachers create quizzes for students and the students complete them on their iPads or iPhones. The app can send the results from the quiz instantly to the teacher.

iAnnotate PDFiAnnotate PDF - An app to allow students to write on and highlight on PDFs on their iPads.